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Our Vision & Values

Our vision:

Every child will reach their own personal and academic excellence and will be motivated to be a life-long learner.

Our values:

Our values are brought to life by six characters the school has developed. These are:

Rosie Resilience

illustrated image of Rosie Resilience, a grape person dressed as a scout holding a flag that says try your best

Rosie Resilience loves giving something new a try.

Sometimes it is hard work. It feels like she is climbing a mountain and makes her legs feel heavy. But she knows how good it feels when you give it a go so she rolls up her sleeves and gets going!

Look at all her stickers that show how well she has been trying! She has badges for asking for help, for thinking of a possible solution to something tricky and listening to feedback from others who can help her. Rosie also knows that resilience is not always easy.

She is a blackberry, and they don’t grow in pretty gardens. They grow on tougher ground – so she knows that trying her best is difficult, and she may make a mistake or two along the way. She just uses these mistakes to help her learn and be prepared for her next challenge.

Rosie is kind to others and recognises when they might be finding it hard to give it a go. So she helps them by leading the way, waving her ‘Try your best’ flag.

Robbie Respect

an illustrated image of Robbie Respect, a fox wearing a backpack raising his hand to ask a question

Robbie Respect knows that looking after others, and their feelings, is really important. 

So he always tries hard to listen with his big ears. He knows he might hear something important, especially when adults are giving instructions. 

Robbie does his own thing, he is an individual. But then we are all different, aren’t we? He loves learning about other people’s families, their backgrounds and cultures by asking lots of questions. He feels sad if people are disrespectful, so he is on a mission to make sure that doesn’t happen! 

Robbie knows that his actions, words and choices can have an impact on the people around him. He loves to play and knows how important it is to take turns. He is polite and never forgets to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’. He always remembers to say ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good afternoon’ too  and often asks how your day has been.  He even holds doors open for you! 

Robbie understands how important it is to say ‘sorry’ if he makes a mistake. He knows that saying sorry, and meaning it, can make people feel better.  Robbie tries his best to not make the same mistake twice.

He knows that it is important to look after his property and other people’s when he is using it. That way everyone can enjoy using it too. He also presents his words, appearance and work to an exceptional standard. 

Colleen Collaboration

an illustrated image of Colleen Collaboration, a seahorse reading a book

Colleen Collaboration is small but important. 

She enjoys sharing wonderful stories about her experiences with others in her community.  She listens very well to what other people tell her about their community too. She knows it is important to form her own opinion on what she learns, so she takes a deep breath, concentrates and forms a beautiful bubble to show her view.  

The feelings and special times she has spent with the communities she is part of are very important to Colleen. They help to build her unique character. We all have our own marvellous cultural tales to show too. 

Colleen doesn’t like stereotypes that might be untrue. Her own experience shows her that it doesn’t matter that she is tiny, as you are never too small to make a difference to the people and world around you!  

She has an important part to play in the future of the world. One small act can make an enormous difference. 

Keiron Kindness

an illustrated image of Keiron Kindness, a boy holding two thumbs up

You can recognise Keiron Kindness by his big smile.

His big smile spreads across his face as he tries hard to: Think Positive. Talk Positive. Feel Positive. He spreads positivity and kindness wherever he goes using his words and actions. He always thinks through his actions before he speaks as he knows what he says can have a real impact on those around him.

He has lots of things that he loves doing and loves talking about what they are. He understands that different people like different things. Keiron loves playing games and even though he doesn’t always win, he knows it doesn’t really matter. He is a gracious winner and loser which helps make everyone happy!

Keiron comforts people with his words, sometimes with a helping hand and sometimes with a big hug. Keiron is great to have around!

India Integrity

an illustrated image of India Integrity, a butterfly person holding a clock

India Integrity is someone you can trust.

India is a shining example of integrity. Her beautiful butterfly wings mean her true colours are always on display.

From her time as a caterpillar, India learnt right from wrong. She always makes the right choices, even if no one is watching her.

She is honest, reliable and stands by her morals at all times. When faced with tough decisions, her inner beauty shines through and she always stays true to herself.

India Integrity guides us in everything that we do – she takes responsibility for her actions; she helps others who are in need; she doesn’t judge when people make mistakes; she tells the truth – even when it is difficult and often puts the needs of others before her own.

India has a real strength of character – following her example, will never let you down.

Andy Aspiration

an illustrated image of Andy Aspiration, a star person holding a banner that says strive to achieve

Andy is a really special value as he is made up of a wonderful mixture of all of the other values!

He tries his hardest every day and uses his thoughts, actions and feelings very wisely to show Personal Excellence and hold up all of the values for everyone to see. Andy inspires others to “Strive to Achieve”. He is very proud to have earnt his medals which show everyone what a star he is!

Weekly Value Behaviours

Our values underpin everything that we do at Halsnead Primary School. Each week, children and staff look at a value behaviour for the week and this is reflected upon throughout the week. These value behaviours are outlined in the document below and are shared with parents and carers in our weekly newsletter. Each week teachers choose 2 value stars from their class who receive a certificate and a special mention in our newsletter.

Halsnead Value Stars Assembly

At the end of each half term, we have a special assembly for our school community, focussing on our half term value. Children from each class vote for 2 children to receive our Value Star Award. Our winners receive a special Halsnead values medal and certificate.